Early Report: 
Delmas Bible Institute and Theology





South Haiti Church of Christ

Delmas 43 #3

Port-au-Prince, Haiti


Introduction to Mission South Haiti, January 2008

Report after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, go to: http://www.LighttoHaiti.com

(No longer available)

How you can help: http://www.lighttohaiti.com/Help.html

Mission Model:


Delmas Bible Institute and Theology Beginning - 1990

28th Anniversary, 2017

The beginning of a growing mission model - seminars for denominational preachers and training of preachers to convert entire congregations.

We just celebrated the 28th Anniversary in 2017, this Mission Work was started on
September 13, 1988.



Missionary Jean Robert St.Hilaire championed the model of training preachers in Haiti to evangelize Haiti and become the trainer. He is the minister today.

Watch the video:

Additional Information:

A three year certification program of study targeted to allow one to better understand Christianity, the Lord's Church and the Preaching Principles. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15.

Delmas Bible Institute (INEBD) was founded by Evangelist Jean Robert St. Hilaire, the Colonial Heights Church of Christ in Kingsport Tennessee, the Campus Church of Christ in Atlanta Georgia, and the Snelleville Church of Christ at Snelleville Georgia in 1988.  (28 years ago.)

The campus, located in the heart of Delmas 43 on the Near East Side of Port-au-Prince Haiti, has remained at the same location purchased by the Northeast Church of Christ, Kingsport, Tennessee 10 years ago. INEBD consists of three major ministries: education, evangelism and publishing. Our main goal is to reach Haiti for Christ and Christ for Haiti.

A Women's Bible Training has been established at the same school. In Haiti, women are devoted to reach out in the streets, door knocking and counseling to each family in their area. These women are also being trained for several skills in our professional school including: sewing, computer, English, and cooking.

The Churches of Christ in the United States established the Delmas School of Preaching, for the "education and training of Christian workers, including teachers, ministers, missionaries, and denominational preachers who may completely and effectively proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ."

Jean Robert St. Hilaire brings around 20 years of pastoral experience to the position, along with a passion to train the next generation of faithful expositors of God's Word. His goal is to strengthen the shared focus of the Lord's ministry, expand the institute's use of technology and education, and to help the student body grow in both size and diversity. To reach that goal, we greatly need your prayers and financial support. To donate, you may contact our Elders and Mission Deacons at the: Northeast Church of Christ 2217 Beechnut Dr. Kingsport TN. 37660.

Be mission-minded! 

Additional Information

The Institute of Biblical Studies at Delmas 43 is located at the same building of the Delmas Church of Christ, Delmas 43 # 3 sponsored by the Northeast Church of Christ in Kingsport, Tennessee. We have a 3 year program to train young men from the countryside to develop congregations and encourage those who are converted through seminars for denominational preachers every year during Carnival period. Our main goal is to reach Haiti for Christ and Christ for Haiti. A Women Bible Institute has been establish as well at the same school start by September 2003. Almost a hundred women will receive an Award by July 2004 after a 10 months of preparation. In Haiti, our women are devoted to reach out in the streets, door knocking and counseling to each family in their area. These women are also being trained for several skills in our professional school learning sewing, computer, English, cooking, and bakery, etc.

If you'd like to be involved and supportive to this work, please feel free to contact: Northeast Church of Christ 2217, Beechnut Dr., Kingsport TN. 37660 or you may contact our Mission Deacons at: Sam Ross skross@metlife.com ; Darrell Riley driley44@chartertn.net.

Jean Robert St-Hilaire: Email: ajeanrob1@hotmail.com in Haiti.

Please, be mission minded.

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